Who's Managing Your Career
Back in the day, we had entire organizations that customized, built, and delivered targeted professional development programs for...
Creating a Job Rotation For Yourself
If you’re feeling stuck in your current job, maybe it is time to find another one ... within the same company. Perhaps you’ve looked at...
Going Tiny to Go Big (in Your Life and Career)
As a career coach, I often work with clients who are interested in finding employment that sustains their life. That objective is often a...
Thriving After a Downsizing – Part Two
In my last article, I shared thoughts on managing through the shocking process of being downsized from a company. Losing your job is one...
Surviving a Downsizing – Part One
Once upon a time, in a far off land… jobs were easy to come by and careers were secure. A good employee could remain with a company for...
Want a Better Job? Know Your “Transferable” Skills
Transferable skills are those skills that you own and can transfer from one job to the next. They may come from years of work experience...
Simplifying to Create Career Freedom – Part Two
Simplify Your Life I work with a number of clients that are afraid to leave their current jobs for various reasons. One reason I hear...
Simplifying to Create Career Freedom – Part One
Back in the “good old days” graduating from college used to virtually assure you of a good job—one that paid well, had great benefits,...
If you don’t have a mentor, get one … or two … or three
In one of my undergraduate classes, I had the opportunity to learn about learning. More specifically, to learn about how adults learn...
Resolution #1: Get a New Job!!!
So, here it is…January 5, 2015. Five days in. Five days wondering if this Resolution-thing is going to stick this time. Sound familiar?...